Visual Design
Welcome to Visual Design!
Create, Innovate, Relate, Translate
Visual Design is a flexible course structured to further visual design skills used in a range of industries.
Employers value employees who use their initiative to innovate and problem solve, communicate ideas visually and collaborate with others.
This practical course nurtures the development of these skills.
Course Videos

Meet our Printmaking Teacher, Mrs Ruth Clarke with a brief course overview.
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Handbook Page
Download the Visual Design page from the Enrolment Handbook.
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Visual Design FAQ's
There is no formal pre-requisite for this course. Most students will have undertaken some form of creative arts study in high school. Even students who haven’t done any art for several years have relished the opportunity to revisit their creative side and have experienced success.
Visual Design provides students with opportunities to pursue their abilities and interests in a range of design fields. These fields may include graphic design, wearable design, product design and interior/exterior design. This design knowledge can provide the basis for further study and be applied to a range of careers.
Unlike many of the Newman courses, Visual Design is not a VET course and does not lead to a certificate. However, in combination with your VET subjects, it can provide a pathway to further study in a related course at TAFE.
The knowledge, skills and processes gained in the course are extremely useful in a range of industries. Employers recognise creativity and problem solving as a key employability skill. You will be able to make judgements about how to effectively communicate visually. You will be able to work with a range of materials and equipment to solve creative and technical problems. You will be able to sequence a production process from research, then planning through to a finished product.
We revist the elements and principles of art and design. We explore the creative use of recycled objects and low technology printing. We learn about relief printing using lino cut. We use screen printing to decorate and present a product. You will complete a drypoint etching using a printing press. You will complete a major project where you use several techniques to produce an edition of prints.
Yes. This is a two year, two unit course.
Unlike a VET course, there is no mandatory requirment to accrue workplacement hours. However, there is scope for you to gain some industry experience in an area of interest after your VET hours have been completed. This is considered work experience and can provide you with clarification about your suitability for other career paths.
The emphasis is on practical learning. The theory component is 30% and is usually delivered in a practical way. The Visual Design course has been written specifically for Newman students and approved by NESA.
No. We are able to utilise technology and other forms of assistance to obtain and develop our images. However, a confident drawer is encouraged to utilise their talents in a printed work.
Assessment is internal. There are four tasks in both Year 11 and Year 12. The emphasis is on practical work and there is no external examination required to complete Year 12.
One of the best aspects of the course is its flexibility. Students are encouraged to incorporate their interests and celebrate their strengths. This enables students to use their photography, graphic design, ceramic or textile skills within the Visual Design course.
Why Choose Visual Design?
Successful people in any field are those who can think creatively. Creative thinking develops the brain to think outside the box. We need a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative and innovative.
Employers value employees who use their initiative to innovate and problem solve. This practical course nurtures the development of these skills.
Visual Design is a flexible course structured to further visual design skills used in a range of industries. This course caters to your needs, ideas, interests and goals. It’s all about you!
Communicate ideas visually. Collaborate with others. Develop your resilience and time management skills. Success is not coming to you, you must come to it.